A comment from Simon Lawrence

Created by Hugh 4 years ago

This is from an email read to Peter before he died. It brought back many happy memories.

You have been one of the most significant and positive influences on my life, and when we corresponded (roughly) weekly or fortnightly, all those years ago in the early 80s, I knew I had a special friend. You and Hugh coming up by bike to our wedding in 1987, dressed in your white leathers was an honour. Your wood engravings and other relief prints are my pride and joy, and I have occasionally bought a duplicate just because it's available, and having two is better than one. I adore your engraved work more than any other modern engraver, which you might think is tosh, but it's true. I had hoped to ask you before too long if we could make the book on your engravings which I have always wanted to do, but feared you'd dismiss the idea. I hope I may do so one day (please). 
So i want to tell you all this while we're both still here, and while it's of use for you to know it, that you've done fantastic, worthwhile work in your lifetime, and it has given me immense pleasure. It has added value to the world. You were about the first engraver I knew, from late 1979 onwards, and the best too.